
Friday 14 June 2013

GA1A02/05 Game Maker - Update

Prototype so far consists of:
  • 2 rooms = Oldlyn and Lynroad
  • Enemies = Wolves, spawns at Lynroad, between 1 and 3.
  • Click a wolf to apply damage and receive damage.
  • Player stats: HP, Hunger, min and max Attack.
  • Other stats: Time.
Got the basic battle mechanics in place. You click one of the wolves, and damage them for a value between your min and max (inclusive) and they damage back with their own attack.

Had trouble initially getting the other wolves which you did not target to attack you on the enemies' turn. They either did not attack or attacked continuously without stop. Figured out a solution by using 2 counters on the number of enemies currently on the battlefield, and the number of enemies that has attacked. So whenever an enemy attacks, it decreases the second counter by 1, therefore once it has reach 0, all enemies will have attacked, after which becomes the player's turn again.

I have also drawn up a world map draft of the game:

Green dots = Friendly Settlements (Size of dot represents size of settlement)
Red dots = Hostile/lawless settlements

Realistically I think only 3 or 4 cites/towns maximum will be completed by the due date, including the wilderness in-between each city/town as well. That's fine as the rest of the map's inaccessible locations could give the player a sense of immersion into this fantasy world and can be left up to their imagination.

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