
Thursday 11 July 2013

Ten Thousand Coins - Production Log Update

Game Over Screen

  • Implemented the actual 10,000 coin quest. The controller checks on days 10, 20, 30 and 40 to see if the required payment has been paid to sister NPC. If so, the game continues and a new goal is added if it is not already day 40. If not, the game ends.
  • Added the death screen. When hitpoints drops to 0, the player is brought to the death screen, and the game ends.
  •  Save feature. The game saves whenever the player sleeps at an Inn.
  • Inn – restores full hitpoints for 1 hours and a coin price.
  • Created the other locations of the game world, namely Howling Woods, Snakefang, Charring Goldmines and Goldmouth. Copied and adjusted the room controllers, and also copied and adjusted the NPCs in each location. Took a long time.
  • Fixed the day and night cycle, now working properly with the backgrounds changing.
  • Starvation now reduces HP based on the player’s Strength stat.
  • Added damage to show up on the enemies.
  • Drew attack animations for player and enemies. Added suitable sounds from
  • Some game balancing, difficult to do now as there is not a lot of time left.
Death Screen

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